
Pinoy Big Brother

Monday, March 31, 2008

Guardians of the Graduates

April 01, 2008 1:42 AM

March is graduation month, and three housemates were missing out on their graduation. For them to have a grad party, the other housemates were tasked to assemble 1,500 notebooks without the graduates knowing. Jolas kept them occupied practicing dance steps while the others were hard at work Not hard enough, though, because they failed to complete the task, which they attribute it to lack of seriousness and efficiency. Aside from not having a grad party, there was no additional punishment, but simply knowing that the three housemates would be without a celebration was enough to move the others to tears. All were full of remorse as Josef tells the grads about the failed task, and Robi, Jieriel and Rona expressed their thanks to the others, especially all the effort they put into it. They eventually went swimming, instead, to celebrate the occasion and shake off the down feelings. Meanwhile, while the other guardians were busy cleaning their house, Kuya called the parents of Robi, Rona and Jieriel into the Confession Room and told them about the failed task. However, they still had a chance to make things work: by finishing the task. Without batting an eyelash, the parents hauled the boxes of notebooks and finished making 1,500 notebooks, meaning the three teens get to have their grad surprise after all. How nice to know that the family will always be there to support us!

Though the teens still have no idea that there were people living right next door, Kuya sends them a hint through their task. He instructed them go to the storage room, where they saw clothes that were partnered by their guardians’ picture. They have to introduce their guardian to the other housemates, wearing the designated clothes, and impersonate them. Little did they know that their guardians were also watching them right that moment. Teary-eyed yet full of smiles, their loved ones listened and watched as the teens spoke of them. The tears were not contained to the guardians, though, as one by one the teens began crying. Beauty, Linda, and Valerie moaned about their selfish actions, and wished to let their moms know they were much appreciated. After stories were exchanged, Rona led them into a prayer session. They ended the emotional moment with a big group hug. Families aren’t just biological, after all.

Nan also had an emotional moment with Kuya as he cries to him in the Confession Room. He wants to stop school and work instead, to help out his mom and lessen the expenses, but Mommy My Love wouldn’t hear of it. He tries not to let his mom see him in such a state, and it was a relief for him to finaly express himself to another. Alex was finally granted his wish to be circumcised in the PBB house. The other boys were consulted too, since the process would limit Alex’ activities and participation of the tasks, and they promised to adjust and support their housemate. What all should watch out for, though, is the heartwarming conversation between Ejay and his dad, as the Probinsiyano Hottie finally lets his dad know that he knows the secret of his paternal roots. Don’t miss this moment and watch it on Primetime tomorrow, right after Lobo!

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