
Pinoy Big Brother

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Priscilla’s lips!

March 25, 2008 7:50 PM

Many of the housemates are amazed on how Priscilla is able to cope with her disability so in this afternoon’s episode of Uber, Big Brother came up with this superb plan of letting the housemates know and understand Priscilla more by learning what she goes through every time they talk to her.

This afternoon, Big Brother asked Priscilla to write a poem in honor of her deceased father’s birthday. She then had to read the poem to the housemates from the confession room. However, this wasn’t just a simple presentation but the others must understand the poem by doing what Priscilla does everyday to communicate with people, that is by lip-reading. Priscilla has to read thirteen lines of the poem and each should be interpreted by a housemate. Priscilla could only read the line twice though and a series of groans soon came from the housemates in the living room. Josef mustered up enough courage to ask Big Brother whether the poem was in English or Tagalog but the big man of the house did not give them clues since they have to go through the same thing Priscilla does.

First in line to lip-read was Nan, who fidgeted and squinted at Priscilla but ended up still completely clueless. Rona was next and she was able to guess it after a few tries. Robi missed three words of the third line while Beauty got everything in one try. The housemates soon eventually helped each other solving their assigned lines.

In the end, most of them were able to figure it out and they were declared successful by Big Brother. Priscilla was in tears while reading the entire poem and later shared in the sweet victory of her fellow housemates. Get more updates on this activity tomorrow on Uber. Tune in to PBB Teen Edition Plus primetime tonight right after Lobo for more stories about the housemates’s first day day inside the house.

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