April 15, 2008 2:09 AM
Earlier, Robi was the one in charge of preparing dinner while Beauty assisted him. Though she overdid the measurement of the tausi, no one minded. It seems that now, the housemates are being more active in doing their share of kitchen work. Beauty and the
When Valerie was alone with buddy Priscilla, she shared her conversation with the Promdi Hottie. She felt that he liked Linda first. As to the two of them, they’re a “plus-minus” tandem, total opposites: she’s a city girl, while he’s definitely probinsyano; she’s a foreigner and he’s local. She did find his life interesting, though she couldn’t claim that she was attracted to him. When Ejay asked her what she wanted in a guy, she answered that she wanted someone who wasn’t too serious and could make her laugh, which was quite far from Ejay’s nature, as he was the quiet type. Nikki was an obvious PBB fan, as she enthusiastically recalled last Celebrity Edition, when Baron and Donnie had a false eviction. In reality, they were stashed in a secret room, but it was very plain and way different from the luxurious surroundings they have now. The secret place was deserted and covered with cobwebs. Valerie and Priscilla didn’t seem to mind, though, even when they found themselves locked in. They just kept chatting about boys. They explored the house, Valerie fascinated with the beautiful shower and Priscilla grabbing chips from drawers. Before long, Kuya called their attention and told them to wake the other two girls, put on their blindfolds and stay in the bedroom.