Though the boys would’ve wanted the action of Manny Pacquiao’s life – and Josef wanted the tear-jerker “Tanging Yaman” – Valerie got them all to pick the Pinoy horror flick “Wag Kang Lilingon”. After dinner, Ejay and Valerie washed the dishes after the other cleared their plates. They them gathered in the living room and excitedly arranged and re-arranged themselves into comfy spots for their well-deserved movie night. All shared funny comments and laughed at Josef’s surprised yelps. The Lasallite had his eyes covered and seemed easily surprised, much more than any of the others. Kevin and Alex –looking great in his movie-watching glasses- wre front and center, munching on their snacks. Priscilla plopped next to Jolas, Val behind Ejay, and Nikki by Josef’s side. As if oblivious to another’s exit in just a few hours, the teen housemates welcome the “calm before the storm” and chose to simply enjoy each other’s company.
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